
  1. yaroslavik

    Help Filebot,jak wyłączyć zmianę nazwy i katalogowanie plików muzycznych?

    WItam. Jakaś dobra dusza podpowie może,jak zrobić,aby filebot (4.9.6)pracujący z rtorrentem, nie robił nic z plikami muzycznymi,tylko przenosił je nienaruszone z complete do medialibrary/music. Da się tak,tylko dla muzyki zrobić?
  2. R

    Help Error filebot after update

    Buenas, tengo un problema parecido al (Pomoc - New medialibrary do not process language: Chinese), he intentado responder a ese post, pero el sistema no me deja Antes funcionaba perfectamente (tenía la versión Cuando compré y actualicé con la versión de este foro comencé a obtener...
  3. Robin

    Help Could medialibrary support 2 versions of 1 movie?

    I downloaded 2 movies: Batman.Begins.2005.RERiP.1080p.BluRay.x264-WiKi Batman.Begins.2005.1080p.BluRay.x264.10bit-WiKi The second movie will cover the first one in medialibrary/Movies/Batman Begins(2005) only 1 "Batman Begins(2015).mkv" Could it support 2 movies in the same folder with a...
  4. Silas Mariusz

    Warning log filebot-available: Rtorrent-Pro reports: Filebot not found. Please install java and filebot correctly:

    Symptoms: After torrent download complete there is an warning in QNAP Events logs: Or when opening Rtorrent-Pro settings there is red note: Cause: Rtorrent-Pro works fine and nothing is wrong, you may ignore this. However built-in medialibrary feature, says it might be improved very well...
  5. Adrienne Rose

    Filebot 4.9.6

    FileBot is the ultimate tool for renaming and organizing your movies, TV shows and Anime. Match and rename media files against online databases, download artwork and cover images, fetch subtitles, write metadata, and more, all at once in matter of seconds. It's smart and just works...
  6. Robin

    Help New medialibrary do not process language: Chinese

    Your Name. (2016) Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) the post and nfo of 2 movies are Chinese versions but the name of the files are not...
  7. Robin

    Help Filebot only makes hardlink for movies, doesn't work for TV shows...

    Hi I found this issue is similar to this thread Rozwiązany - Medialibrary works only with movies Rdownload/medielibrary/Movies works fine, but Rdownload/medielibrary/TV shows is always empty... I think maybe the filebot scrapes the metadata of TV shows via TVDB, which is blocked on Chinese...
  8. Aergernis

    Help Disable changing filebot link

    Hi, is there a way to disable the linking to the integrated filebot version, when filebot is already installed on qnap? I'm having toubleusing the version that comes with rtorrent and want to use 4.9.2. Sadly the link in /usr/bin gets overwritten to /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/env when...
  9. A

    Help Filebot error message

    Hey, im completly new to rrtorrent but it's great so far. Im seeing a few error messages in my log: The file is sorted to "unsorted". Can someone tell me why? Thx. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (medialibrary-fix_kodi_tvshows) PID: 10455...
  10. A

    Help Removing medialibrary and filebot

    Hello, How do I remove medialibrary and filebot completely from Rtorrent pro? The java process is taking up 60 - 100% of the CPU on a fresh install and as I understand it, those are the pieces that use java. Thanks Firmware version: Build 20191206 Model name: QNAP TS-451+
  11. O

    Help Media Library Not Extracting & Moving Content

    English Firmware version: "Latest Version" Model name: QNAP TS-453A Rtorrent-Pro "Latest Version" Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am having an issue with media library extracting my files & moving them to the medialibrary folder. It seems like it stopped...
  12. alexsmith2709

    Help Medialibrary and existing files (external Filebot)

    Hi, I installed new hard drives in my NAS and have copy all downloads back to the new drive in /share/Rdownload/downloads/{label}. I want all these files to be hard-linked to medialibrary. Some of these files i am no longer seeding anywhere and even ones i am dont always copy to complete or...
  13. Wezu

    Help Crontab edycja

    Wersja oprogramowania Firmware: Model serwera: QNAP TS-128A Witam potrzebuje pomocy w edycji crona, dodam tylko że jestem zielony w tym temacie. Korzystam z filebota i dodałem * 6 * * * /opt/filebot-node/task 5 aby automatycznie uruchamiał się o 6:00 rano ale zauważyłem że uruchamia...
  14. Guglielmo

    Help Medialibrary / Filebot

    Hi, i'm interested to implement medialibrary and filebot automation. i read this guide Media Library/Filebot - How to properly setup Media Library/install Filebot? but in my rtorrent UI i don't saw this error: i have to install filebot from appcenter as in guide or now is it included in...
  15. lama16

    After downloaded, File bot get stuck processing Job

    Hi After downloading File bot seems to get stuck trying to processing a job. it is like it doesnt clear it down after processing Below shows the amc processed jobs /share/MD0_DATA/Rdownload/complete/TV/American.Dad.S16E12.WEBRip.x264-ION10/American.Dad.S16E12.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4...
  16. Kreonium

    Help Autotools, Filebot and Group Version

    Is it possible for the filebot to make the version accordingly? Example: moviename (2019) UHD moviename (2019) 1080p What i notes, if is downloaded two movies where one is 1080p and second is UHD, depence which one is finished first this one is going to multimedia/movie folder but second one is...
  17. Kreonium

    Help Event (warn) rtorrent: Deleting existing file in place of target symlink: /usr/bin/filebot.

    Every time when rebooted i see this in events: (warn) rtorrent: Deleting existing file in place of target symlink: /usr/bin/filebot.
  18. Haskell

    Help Kodi problem with FileBot

    There's a problem I've been tracking down for a couple of days now, and the result of this problem is that Kodi doesn't not scan TV Shows that get processed via FileBot into the library, and I posted a thread about it over at Kodi forums to find out that the cause of it is that the `tvshow.nfo`...
  19. Silas Mariusz

    rtorrent-Pro DO NOT need FileBot and Java anymore

    NOTE: rtorrent-Pro do not relay on external FileBot and Java anymore.
  20. Silas Mariusz

    Filebot license has expired. Trial full functionality license is automatically renewed for a next...

    Symptoms: Get warning message in system Events log during start of rtorrent-Pro: Cause Only notification: This is notification only suggesting to support FileBot developer and to switch to commercial license. Recommended. Resolution: Buy FileBot commercial license and save received...