
  1. level42

    Pomoc How do I download rtorrent Pro now? I've paid for this in the past.

    I used to download this from: https://www.qnapclub.eu/en/qpkg/376, but this site seems to be completely dead at this point. Now I'm seeing rtorrent pro, hosted on a different site here, but effectively, now it's asking me to pay again. How can I download this again, without paying? I have my...
  2. guffi

    Pomoc konfiguracja nordvpn dla rtorrent

    Witam Jak skonfigurować tylko rtorrenta żeby pobieranie było szyfrowane przez nordvpn w nasie?
  3. gsowner

    Pomoc upnp not working

    Hi the upnp stop working after 24h, i get not conectable every 24h i must stop rtorrent and start, then port is again open. What is the problem?
  4. ALIENQuake

    Pomoc Dodawanie torrent'a z klienta PC

    Witam, Załóżmy taki scenariusz: - NAS z Rtorrent-Pro - PC z przeglądarką prawidłowo obsługującą linki torrent magnet - użytkownik klika w link magnet - w tym monecie dzieje się jakaś magia np rozszerzenie przeglądarki / aplikacja na PC przechwytująca klikane linki i torrent zostaje dodany do...
  5. Q

    Pomoc How to buy this now?

    how to buy this with PayPal now T
  6. W

    Pomoc Unable to get latest version or rtorrent-pro

    I am unable to download or see the latest version of rtorrent-pro which sounld be 0.9.8-B899? Qnapclub Store: rtorrent Qnap Notification says it available? Warning 2022-02-20 11:15:18 rtorrent --- --- (warn) rtorrent: Update is available: 0.9.8-B899 (current...
  7. Silas Mariusz

    Podpowiedź Events Notifications: Telegram Bot - Easy Guide Step-by-Step

    Open Telegram app and find @BotFather Type /start and then /newbot to create new bot. Enter unique name for the bot. Once you do that, bot should respond to you with token ID. Ctrl+C this token. Now create new channel on Telegram. Find a name and hit Create Edit channel and create...
  8. Silas Mariusz

    Podpowiedź Events Notifications: Discord Webhooks - Very Easy Guide

    Open Discord app Add new server: Create own new server Select: For me and my friends: Set it name and click Create Click Server settings: From left sidebar menu select Integrations and click Create Webhook button: Create new bot and click Copy Webhook URL Go to...
  9. Silas Mariusz

    Instrukcja Getting Started with Rtorrent-Pro - Default Configuration and Managing

    1. Configuring Rtorrent-Pro Main Settings 1.1 Logging In Open Rtorrent-Pro. On the toolbar in the right-top corner click SETTINGS button Network Common settings Bind interface Assign Rtorrent-Pro for specified LAN or VPN Listening port UDP trackers support DHT support UDP port setting for...
  10. Kreonium

    Pomoc rtorrent-Pro [x86_64] 0.9.8-B810

    Na Qnapclub Store wersja rtorrent-Pro [x86_64] 0.9.8-B801 a tutaj na Forum wersja rtorrent-Pro [x86_64] 0.9.8-B810. Nie będzie tam uaktualnienia i trzeba ponownie kupić?
  11. M

    Pomoc rtorrent konfiguracja

    Zainstalowałem w dniu wczorajszym na swoim nasie TS-453B Rtorrenta. Po odpaleniu wyskakuje mi coś takiego [24.01.2022 12:49:38] WebUI started. [24.01.2022 12:49:38] Brak połączenia z rTorrent. Sprawdź czy jest uruchomiony. Sprawdź ustawienia $scgi_port i $scgi_host w config.php oraz scgi_port w...
  12. yaroslavik

    Pomoc Plex, biblioteka z rtorrenta...

    Witam. Jesli zapodam do plexa caly katalog rdownload z rtorrenta,jako jedna biblioteka, to nie będzie plex miał problemów ze skanowaniem tego? Jeśli rtorrent tworzy tam hard linki, to jak plex to widzi?
  13. yaroslavik

    Pomoc Rtorrent-przekroczono czas odpowiedzi..

    Witam. Rtorrent wersja 0.9.8-B801 Od poprzedniej aktualizacji: notoryczne komunikaty-przekroczono czas na odpowiedź rtorrent..(co kilka i kilkanaście minut). powolne ładowanie interfejsu do przeglądarki. Zatrzymanie usługi,ponowne uruchomienie-nic nie daje. Restart qnapa również...
  14. Silas Mariusz

    Download Rtorrent-Pro [x86_64]

    Silas Mariusz submitted a new resource: rtorrent-Pro [x86_64] - High performance, massive, secure and extra featured with powerful remote managment torrent client. Read more about this resource...
  15. Silas Mariusz

    Rtorrent-Pro [x86_64] 0.9.9-0037

    Rtorrent-Pro (Intel/AMD only) Faster, safer and smarter! NOW 99% DISCOUNT Time to say "Goodbye uTorrent" and move on to QNAP NAS For anyone looking for an alternative to μTorrent® (uTorrent) on PC that looks similar but lacks the bloat, rtorrent-Pro has a lot to offer. rtorrent-Pro is...
  16. Silas Mariusz

    Download rtorrent-Pro [x86_64]

    Silas Mariusz submitted a new resource: rtorrent-Pro [x86_64] - High performance, massive, secure and extra featured with powerful remote managment torrent client. Read more about this resource...
  17. HA4g3n

    Pomoc Supported firmware?

    Hi, I can only find that rtorrent pro supports x64 CPU but what about the QTS 5.0 firmware? And more specifically: QTS build 20211221 Thanks in advance
  18. Lukasz1988

    Pomoc scheduler has stopped working since an update or 2 ago

    hi there since an update or 2 ago my scheduler has stopped working any ideas how to fix it? ive tried disable and enable it but it doesnt work. it just doesnt change speeds regardless what setting i set it to
  19. J

    Pomoc rTorrent Pro with VPN: IP leak when connection is lost

    Hello All, as soon as the ethernet connection is disconnected, for example when the router upgrades and reboots, rTorrent always leaks the non-vpn ip of the internet connection .Even if the VPN network is configured as the default gateway. My guess is that this happens until the VPN is...
  20. P

    Pomoc IPv6 support

    Hello, It seems my rTorrent-Pro client is unable to establish connection with IPv6-capable peers and it is currently working only with IPv4. I checked the output of netstat -tulpn and ports 6008 and 42000 are only listening on IPv4. Is this a bug or is IPv6 broken on my rTorrent version...