We dont support paypal. Stripe is more safety and secure. Please use it instead! You can buy with your Debit or Credit Card. Your payment will be processed by Stripe and goes to official company.
Long time fan and supporter. Since 2018 also a proud owner of a Rtorrent licence. Since then using it day by day and could not be more satisfied.
I would like to support you in your future work also, if possible.
What would be the procedure for us, who already purchased a licence from qnap club eu ?
I would like to make a donation to you, hence I feel that your hard work should be supported and you relation with qnap club eu is none of our (your users) matter.
I hope that you understand my point of view and that we can continue our relation as it should be
Once again thank you for your hard work, and please allow us to find a way to appreciate it, as you probably appreciate our donations.
Unfortunatelly its better if a stay quiet bit longer.
Today qnapclub.eu repo is up to date and Rtorrent-Pro was finally released there.
However each update I have to go my old apartment and push an update from that place. Technically I cannot do that from the place where I'm living now and from computer I work today. I'm unable even to change FTP password to that! Sick!
There are other issues, but shouldnt talk bout them. The point is I have no solution for happening issues.
I can only say that together with Qoolbox we are trying to figure out this.
However updates on repo might be delayed.
But stay here for support.