Help Problem when using sonarr/radarr save to Directory.


Passing Basics
Aug 7, 2019
1 GbE

Hope you are staying safe!

I may have found a bug in rutorrent when using the 'directory' setting from radarr/sonarr...or I'm just not using it correctly.


When I don't use a save to Directory (i.e.:field is left blank), the files/folders always (or at least 95%) get moved to the 'completed' folder after downloading.

When using the Directory (as in above pic), the completed download is never moved there (<1% of the time) and when I click Delete and Remove Data.. it doesn't delete anything. I think the last part is because it's trying to delete it from the completed/'save to' directory, but the files aren't there.

My autotools are set like this:

I've also tried checking 'Add torrent's label to path'

In all cases, the files are downloaded into the Download directory, or the Download/'directory from sonarr/radarr'.
When using a Directory in sonarr/radarr, they never get moved to completed upon completion of downloading - neither into the main Completed directory nor a directory named after their tag/label/sonarr/radarr setting.

Please let me know if you can replicate this or if you want any more info


Firmware version: 0.9.7-A229 Build 20200312
Model name: QNAP TVS-671


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Thanks _Floyd..

So is there any way to get ruTorrent to store the downloads (for sonarr/radarr) in a particular subfolder other than just using the base folder of 'downloads' and the base folder of 'complete' (for completed downloads)?
Thanks again. I think I'm asking for something different to what you're explaining, so I'll try clarify.

Normally, rutorrent downloads sonarr/radarr content into the "/rutorrent/downloads" directory.

It then moves completed downloads into the "/rutorrent/complete" directory.

I'm trying to get it to download content to a specifically named subdirectory within the downloads directory, with the name being set by radarr/sonar itself or the torrent's label (also set-able from radarr/sonar).

That would look like this:

If I get that working, I think radarr/sonarr will import the files correctly as it usually does.

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